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Сообщение Олег » 20 янв 2009, 19:14

Думаю это общая парадигама развития при разности культурной в базисе...

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Зарегистрирован: 16 янв 2005, 00:26

Сообщение Ida » 21 янв 2009, 00:15

Интересно, здесь тоже нет в садиках горячего питания и места для сна. И больных детей тоже постоянно приводят, предварительно дав жаропонижающее.
Но занимаются с детьми очень неплохо - и клеют постоянно, и к школе
готовят, и танцевальные занятия...
В праздники в садиках дети никаких стихов не читают и вообще почти не говорят, только танцуют, иногда даже в костюмах. А у вас каким образом в саду читают с бумажки, они что, уже все читать умеют ?
Только дай себе волю, начни жить как легче, и тебя понесёт так, что не выплывешь
(Четвертая высота)

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Зарегистрирован: 05 авг 2007, 18:30
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Сообщение Йэнна » 21 янв 2009, 00:19

Не, читать не умеют... вообще правда, это я че-то перепутала. Это школьники читают уже. В садике просто слова очень короткие, и их подсказывают. Да и участвуют в сценках далеко не все, а самые смышленые.
У вас большой процент "наших людей" все-таки, да еще еврейский обычай - заниматься с детьми.

Сообщения: 63
Зарегистрирован: 23 фев 2007, 13:46
Откуда: Новосибирск

Сообщение yachay » 21 янв 2009, 08:07

Йэнна писал(а): Многих из наших, кто приехал сюда, это просто поражает.
Ведь у нас в садиках в Союзе было не просто горячее питание,
Однако, мало кто уезжает обратно, в том числе люди без образования, в том числе люди с образованием, но устроившиеся на разные работы вне связи со своей специальностью. Значит, в целом, там лучше, нужно только садики перестроить, так?

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Зарегистрирован: 05 авг 2007, 18:30
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Сообщение Йэнна » 21 янв 2009, 09:29

Ну вообще-то это нормально, что люди стремятся из места, где уровень жизни ниже - в место, где он выше. Понятно, что в Германии он выше, чем в России. К тому же - а на что рассчитывать ребенку в России сейчас? Даже учитывая, что садики и многие занятия остались еще постсоветские. И как ни странно, большая часть наших эмигрантов - вообще не из России, а из Средней Азии, Казахстана, им куда возвращаться, в националистические нищие страны?
В Германии много что нужно перестроить, конечно, не только садики.
Тут, по-моему, сравнение идет с Союзом, а не с Россией.

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Таня Данилова
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Сообщение Таня Данилова » 21 янв 2009, 12:09

Олег писал(а):Думаю это общая парадигама развития при разности культурной в базисе...
Думаю, не только культурной, но и общими задачами, которые стоят перед государством, воспитание, он как и исскуство партийно.

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Евгений А.
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Зарегистрирован: 07 апр 2007, 06:31
Откуда: Брянск
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Re: Еще из размышлений об Америке

Сообщение Евгений А. » 23 янв 2009, 12:14

Нигора писал(а):(Материал из закрытых разделов)
Конечно, уже прошло время и нет той непосредственности впечатлений, но все же считаю важным остановиться на нескольких важных, на мой взгляд, наблюдениях...
Очень интересно, Нигора (уже дал ссылку друзьям - бывавшим там), но почему бы не выложить продолжение из "закрытых разделов"? :wink:
Freiheit its limmer nur die Freiheit des anderes Danken -
"Свобода - это безусловная свобода другой точки зрения".
Роза Люксембург

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Зарегистрирован: 12 ноя 2004, 10:15
Откуда: СССР

Сообщение Олег » 23 янв 2009, 12:19

Кое что (не все, так как много информации в тех рассказах для внутренних разделов, только) выложено здесь

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Зарегистрирован: 31 окт 2005, 10:22
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Сообщение Нигора » 27 янв 2009, 20:48

Приведу ссылки о самом международном конгрессе Античников и моем докладе там.

http://www.archaeological.org/webinfo.p ... ssionid=1H

http://www.archaeological.org/Images/pu ... tracts.gif

Сообщения: 4092
Зарегистрирован: 28 мар 2007, 19:53
Откуда: СССР

Сообщение Nut » 27 янв 2009, 21:14

Amy-Daria в твоём абстракте - это у них опечатка?

Сообщения: 2781
Зарегистрирован: 31 окт 2005, 10:22
Откуда: СССР

Сообщение Нигора » 27 янв 2009, 21:29

Они употребляют совершенно разное написание. И так

Amu Daria River Bridge - Wikipedia,

И так

Amu Darya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
И так

Amy-Daria River delta.

Конкретно кто в абстракте проставил такое написание сейчас мне трудно вспомнить. В моем тексте The settlement was situated on an edge of the first terrace above the flood plain of the right high Amu Darya bank (in ancient times Oksa) and assigned for serving the passage across it.

Кстати , может кому интересна тема и тезисы доклада

Early Hellenistic living complex at Kampyrtepa fortress.

This report is about the discovered living complex of the early Hellenistic time in the Kampyrtepa Bactrian fortress (slide 1).
Before I start speaking about the living complex, I` d like to tell you about the monument in more detail.
Kampyrtepa, from archaeological point of view, is a monument that has a number of impressive characteristic features.
This monument gave archaeologist the Kushan housing development, dated from Soter Megas to Kanishka the I. This housing development was built according to a plan and was inhabited for approximately 100 years until the first third of the second century AD. In the framework of the long discussions on the initial date of Kanishka period the set of material culture from these built up areas gives us the starting point in studying period of the establishment and flourishing of the Kushan empire.
Kampyrtepa fortress has one more important feature. It has many layers of Hellenistic time, relative accessible the studying on the wide area. As it is well known, on most of the monuments of Central Asia these layers are buried into later strata of many meters.
The monument, discovered by academician E.V. Rtveladze in 1972, has been studied for 30 years. More than 70 % of its territory has been studied so far. So archaeologists faced the problem of preservation and reconstruction. Nowadays Kampyrtepa is on the list of monuments of cultural heritage protected by UNESCO (slide 2). Due to the sponsorship of the American congress a part of the fortress out wall and one Kushan area have been preserved and reconstructed (slide 3). The experience of the Kampyrtepa reconstruction was the most successful in the region. It is distinguished by the maximum compliance with the antique building techniques. The loess soil at the foot of the fortress wall was used for forming mudbricks. Here it got dried and put on the clay mortar (slide 4).
Оne more important feature of Kampyrtepa is its strongly pronounced functional meaning. The settlement was situated on an edge of the first terrace above the flood plain of the right high Amu Darya bank (in ancient times Oksa) and assigned for serving the passage across it. This terrace is about 2 km long (slide 5). It is cut by a number of gullies with gentle mouths and has natural cirques suitable for making the passage. In Achaemenid time it was used for making the passage. Shortepa fortress on the west edge of the terrace is an evidence of this. Later at the end of the fourth century B.C. the passage was transferred to Kampyrtepa, and in the early Middle Ages Shurobkurgan curried out its functions (slide 6).
Kampyrtepa is a citadel surrounded by a moat and a «lower town» with a fortress wall with towers from the floor side (slide 7). The citadel began to be developed at the end of the fourth century B.C. It has many layers of Hellenistic time. The «lower town» was built at the beginning of the first century AD and existed till governing of Kanishka I (in the first third of the second century AD).
Since 2004 the Baktrian group of Central Asian archeological expedition of the Archeological institute RAKh began its work in the east of Kampyrtepa «lower town» (slide 8). Nowadays they work on the area more than 700 square meters (slide 9).
Before our investigations it was believed that there was no earlier housing development on the «lower town» territory which had residential areas-blocks built in the early Kushan time on the same plan (the first century A.D). But the first season of the work let us discover three more construction periods in the studied part of the monument under the Kushan areas. They are early Hellenistic, Greco-Baktry and Kushano-Yuechzhiy (slide 10).
Excavations were carried out on the edge gully with the strongly pronounced relief. They discovered the terrace character this part of the settlement (slide 11).
Level difference on this part was not less than 10 meters. The srata section let us discover the building techniques applied in the terrace construction. There is an undercut and subsoil leveling; strengthening the level edge with pakhsovy laying out and brick walls; creating of artificial platforms (slide 12).
Newly discovered early Hellenistic housing estate was situated on the average level of the terrace. It had a private structure and living quarters made of mudbricks (quarters 33) and utility area (quarters 34 а and б) made in the bent (slide 13).
In this foto there is a view of the southeastern corner of quarters 33, the wall height is 2 meters. Just after the wall was erected the quarter was covered with the granulated material, which was applied to strengthen the terrace edge and level the floor of the quarter, which was raised by 80 centimeters. Khoum is covered in the corner (slide 14).
It is important that the walls were made of bricks of transitional format 50 by 40 by 12 centimeters, a transitional mould between the Achamenid period and the ancient period (slide 15).
From the considered living quarters 33 the passage led to the utility quarters of the housing estate. As the floor level in quarters 33 was raised the passage to the utility quarters had steps. The utility quarters consisted of an open courtyard made in the continental hill (quarters 34 а) and closed round quarters 34 b made in the continental hill as well (slide 16).
Strata section dividing the quarters in the centre and along the full length allowed reconstructing it more precisely. The closed quarters made in the land layer had an arch of about 2,6 meters high. The length of the walls from the floor was more than 1,5 meters. Thus, the closed quarters was round in the plan, had a diameter of 2,2 meters and a height of about 2,6 meters with an arched ceiling (slide 17). There is a plan view of quarters 34 b. The walls made in the land have not been treated additionally; they are not plastered but there is a dark taint and worn spot in the lower part (slide 18).
Arched closed quarters 34 b was joint with the open courtyard by the passage that seems to be arch-shaped (slide 19).
The open courtyard had oval outlines of size 2,2 х 3 meters in the plan. In the picture we can see a courtyard on the side of the living quarters 33. There is an arched niche of 1 meter deep in its eastern wall. The land floor has a cone-shaped pit with a mouth diameter of 80 centimeters which expands to 1,6 meters at a depth of 1 meter. The pit was soon covered by the continental granulated material without any inclusions (slide 20).
The purpose of the utility quarters was set not only by the type of quarters but also by the type of numerous (more than 60) private findings from the floor. The main part of them were adobe clay material blanks of pyramidal and discal sinkers, cores for the sling and missile tools, and moulded vessels as well. All these products seem to be made here and then after being dried in the sun in the open courtyard they were carried to the place of burning (slide 21). Cornelian beads of the shape typical for Hellenistic time have been found here as well. Also a pyxid cover cut of the steatite and inlayed with coloured stones (lazurite, jasper) dates back to this time. Direct analogies which are well known from the materials of Ai-Khanum (slide 22).
The considered housing development of early Hellenistic time was dated on the basis of
stratigraphy and also a rich ceramic complex of the closed type. Has a small percent of shapes dated back to Akheminid time (light engobed bowls, braced vessels) but its main part consisted of vessels of the Hellenistic shapes: craters, bowls on the annular tray, fish dishes and so on (slides 23, 24).
Summing up I would like to stress the main parts.
- Development of the housing estate is of paramount importance under in accessibility of the Hellenistic time layers on the considerable part of Bactria.
- We have unique material in architecture and building techniques used in the third-second centuries B.C.
- There is a closed ceramic complex, with more than 300 pieces of vessels, which plays the main role in chronological specification of the ceramic column of the time in question.
And finally, I would like to tell briefly about our investigations which involved a considerable part of the eastern sector of Kampyrtepa «lower town». The discovery of the housing estate on the slope of gully and also exploring of a big part of the gully, and concentration of powerful Hellenistic layers on the western slope outside the citadel fortified wall gives a chance to have a new understanding of the early stage of settlement functioning. So we can guess that, initially the life was concentrated on the both slopes of the gully and not outside the citadel fortified wall as it was considered before. First of all it must have been connected with the economic activity on serving the passage (unloading and loading of the goods which could be brought in small boats to the place of unloading through the moat).
That`all I wanted to tell you about living complex of the early Hellenistic time in the Kampyrtepa Bactrian fortress.
Thank you for attention.

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Зарегистрирован: 12 ноя 2004, 10:15
Откуда: СССР

Сообщение Олег » 04 мар 2009, 10:56

Зайдите на титульную страницу сайта. Помоему хорошо сказал Алексей . В контексте того, что и Нигора и Яна пишут.
